5 Benefits of Canine Swimming

5 Benefits of Canine Swimming

All dogs can benefit from swimming, no matter age or breed. Yes, some breeds like the water better than others but once they get comfortable around it, you can’t keep most of them out of it. Here’s a list of 5 that are great for the dog and the humans! Physical...
How to Capture Your Pup’s Attention

How to Capture Your Pup’s Attention

Teaching your dog to “check in” with you Start practicing in a non distracting environment Watch your dog, without talking or saying anything to your dog as soon as your dog orients toward you or looks at you – mark/treat Verbally praise your dog and...
Teaching Your Pup “Touch”

Teaching Your Pup “Touch”

Teaching a Nose to Hand Target aka: Touch Hand targets are useful behavior for so many reasons, leash walking when we need our dogs to change directions, move around, stay close and you can use to reset when your dog moves ahead, end of a recall, when other people...