Do you know your pup’s stress signals? Did you know pup’s give stress signals? Here’s what to look for, pay attention and see what your pup uses most.

Calming Signals are meant to clearly communicate meaning- When it comes to understanding our pups it’s really important that we learn to interpret the rich tapestry of visual signals our pups display depending on how they’re feeling. As they can’t speak to us in human language we need to interpret the signals they are giving to be able to keep them safe and happy. It’s important to look at your pup as a whole, rather than focus on one specific aspect though as no single behavior is a perfect barometer of how they are feeling.

As a new pup parent, it’s important to know and recognize calming signals in your pup. Recognizing a calming signal is the best way to help de-escalate a situation for your pup before they become even more uncomfortable.

A Pup uses calming signals to say “I’m stressed out, can we go now?”

Calming signals are meant to clearly communicate meaning; unfortunately some parents miss their pup’s cry for help until it escalates into something more vocal. Some signals can serve as a stress release, such as the shake off.

Examples of calming signals

  • Big Yawn
  • Blinking
  • Lowering tail
  • Sneezing
  • Look Away
  • Pacing
  • Sniffing
  • Scratching
  • Stretching
  • Paw lift
  • Shake off
  • Lip Licking