The name Game:
- Teaches immediate “look” to you the handler when the dog’s name is said
- Your dog’s name means, “look immediately at me and wait for further instruction.”
- It does not mean, get out of that, stop doing that, etc.
- You always want your dog to “feel awesome” when you say their name
- Use a happy tone of voice even if you are frustrated or upset with your dog
- Do not keep repeating your dog’s name
- If your dog does not look – make another sound to the attention back to you click and reward
- Say the dog’s name
- when the dog looks toward you, any small movements (ear flick, head turn)
- Mark and give treat
- Repeat a few times
- Practice often, in different situations, and in a variety of ways
- The goal is to teach your dog to look at you when you say the dog’s name
Adding movement to the name game
have your dog on leash (even if you are inside your home). Treat placement is on the side you want your dog to walk on
- Take a step in any direction but forward, pause and wait. Click and treat any attention towards you, head movement or ear flicks if you get eye contact be sure to click and treat
- Repeat
- Take a step or two, still no forward movement pause and wait for eye contact, click and treat
- Repeat
- Move to a different location start back at the first step and remember to think of all the distractions
Next level:
Have your dog on leash, start in low distraction environment and keep sessions short!
- Wait for your dog to be looking away from you
- Say your dog’s name, click and treat any movement towards you
- As your dog turns towards you, present treat and draw your dog to you as you take 3 – 4 steps backwards
- Treat on the side you want your dog to be walking on, make sure to treat nice and close
- Repeat 5 x or less and end session
- Move to a different location and start from the top
If your dog is at the end of the leash, DO NOT call, wait for them to release any pulling pressure or disengagement from whatever it is they are distracted by then say their name, click and treat
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