New Year’s Resolutions Your DOG Approves Of
If you know me, you probably know I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. I am always trying to do better without a specific day telling me I have to change something.
No matter how either of us feel about setting a beginning of the year goal, there are a few goals in life I think most dog people can agree on. So this year I’ve pulled together a list of a few that I think even our pups would be proud of – because they inspired them!
Is there something your dog teaches you every day? Chances are, it belongs on this list. Email me and let me know!
1) Take more naps. When did society decide that naps are only for kids? Naps have been shown to have a huge variety of benefits, including boosting mood and memory. Our dogs should be sleeping most of the day, why should we not join in a rest a bit with them?
2) Snore. Loudly. Dogs don’t care that we can hear them unprofessionally snoring on our Zoom calls, but it turns out the loud nighttime snore is the dog. Dogs just snore. I enjoy listening to my dogs snoring. I know they are happy and comfortable enough to be in just a restful sleep. (If only I could do that and everyone would be so okay with it. 🙂
3) Find the sunny spot. Need I say more? Open the blinds and let the beauty shine through! It makes us all a bit happier.
4) Live in the moment. I also enjoy watching the way my dog’s live in the moment. Yes, it could be an afternoon nap or running around with the new toy, or even the old toy they just found under the couch. But getting to see the pure joy reminds me to do the same. Play a quick game of chase or tug with them, take 10 minutes and do some simple fitness exercises. We all love it and it doesn’t all have to be in the big plan. Stress about what’s happened before and worry about what is coming can help us learn to avoid bad things or fix past mistakes. But our dogs teach us not to live in that place of fear. They learn, like us, how to avoid negative consequences, but healthy dogs don’t skip naps because they’re spinning in worry.
5) Get the zoomies out, regularly. Walks, simple and easy exercises, just playing their favorite game with them, it can go a long way for our dogs. Of course, this isn’t going to be everyone’s favorite way to get out their zoomies, but the point is to move, everyday, in a way that makes you feel great that makes your dog feel great. Play with them, they won’t judge the way you do anything. (one of many reasons why I love being around dogs.)
6) Love unconditionally. No, this doesn’t mean to love without reason. It does mean to love with your whole heart, toes, head and every cell of your being. And we could all use a bit more of that, right? Learn and watch the way your dog does it. It’s a beautiful thing.
7) Sniff everything. Investigation, curiosity and play bring so much to our lives. It gives them time to check their “pee-mail”, get information and give others different information back. It also uses their brain and tires them out without you having to do anything but stand there. So start out 2022 with the desire to investigate everything, sniff out new adventures and play to your heart’s content.
Take the time, watch your dog, learn from your dog, enjoy your dog. It doesn’t have to take a new year to do this.
If you’re ready to do more with your dog we can help train new behaviors, lose weight, prevent injuries with fitness, and help with the bond of your dog.
Email we are here to help.
We can’t wait to see what 2022 brings!
Follow us @potentialunleashedidaho on Instagram and Facebook
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